La #team LLT

Leroux & Lotz Technologies is an SME made up of a diverse collective of nearly 100 talented professionals, individually and collectively committed to an innovation process.
The relational, the group spirit and the exchange are important qualities that are dear to us. LLT is a collective of women and men who are all experts, each in their own field, where everyone can bring their stone to the building.
Consultation, collaboration, trust and benevolence are qualities which constitute our cultural fundamentals and which characterize the way we exercise our professions. They are rooted in our managerial model which values autonomy and responsibility.
Our actions reflect a concern for living well together at work, which for us is an essential vector of success.
We are constantly looking to put things in place gradually so that everyone can flourish in a pleasant and warm work environment: this ranges from daily attention to the organization of events to offer moments of conviviality and sharing: day integration, afterworks, celebrations, seminar...
To promote relationships and a serene atmosphere at work, LLT is anchored in a participatory approach. A survey is conducted every year to assess the quality of life at work and areas for improvement.